The University of Warsaw will be holding the third edition of the survey on the evaluation of the implementing of the principles of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers. The questionnaire will be available between the 1st and 24th December, 2021.
In 2014 the UW rector signed the Declaration of Support to the principles of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers. The University has been modifying the internal procedures and legislation according to the European recommendations. In 2016 the University of Warsaw was granted the prestigious HR Excellence in Research Award by the European Commission.
– Successfully, the University has implemented a number of initiatives and actions to improve the work environment of the researchers, e.g. the Welcome Point Office to support incoming foreign researchers and students, “The Gender Equality Plan for the University of Warsaw” and “The 2020-2023 Equality Activities Plan” as the first university in Poland, a new administrative section has also been established to introduce a vast range of training and development programmes to academic teachers – says Prof. Sambor Grucza, vice-rector UW for Cooperation and Human Resources. Further, Prof. Grucza adds “University internal regulations have also been modified, e.g. the principles of competitions for academic positions as well as the principles of the periodic assessment of academic teachers.”
The Survey by the University Team for Quality of Education Assurance
In 2022 the University of Warsaw is planning to reapply for the HR Excellence in Research Award (HREiR). The assessment of the UW teachers as a base for the strategy of pro-quality actions is part of the HREiR application. The assessment will be processed in a form of a questionnaire prepared by the University Team for Quality of Education Assurance. The Team operates within a structure of the Office of Innovation in Teaching and Learning.